Monday, April 21, 2008

Populate and Merge multiple pdf forms

If you need to populate multiple PDF forms and then merge them together... Here is how to do that.


<cfset sourceform1 = "#ExpandPath('formsamples/expense_claim_form1.pdf')#">

<cfset sourceform2 = "#ExpandPath('formsamples/expense_claim_form2.pdf')#">
<cfset resultfile1 = "#ExpandPath('result1.pdf')#">
<cfset resultfile2 = "#ExpandPath('result2.pdf')#">
<cfset flatfile1 = "#ExpandPath('flat1.pdf')#">
<cfset flatfile2 = "#ExpandPath('flat2.pdf')#">
<cfset finalresultfile = "#ExpandPath('finalresult.pdf')#">
<cfset myname1 = "source_test1">
<cfset myempcode1 = "source_code1">
<cfset mylocation1 = "source_loc1">
<cfset mymgrname1 = "source_mgr1">
<cfset mymgremail1 = "">
<cfset myname2 = "source_test2">
<cfset myempcode2 = "source_code2">
<cfset mylocation2 = "source_loc2">
<cfset mymgrname2 = "source_mgr2">
<cfset mymgremail2 = "">
<!--- Fill up the pdf form1 ---> 
<cfpdfform source= "#sourceform1#" action="populate" destination="#resultfile1#" overwrite="true">
 <cfpdfsubform name="form1">
  <cfpdfsubform name="expense">
   <cfpdfformparam name="name" value="#myname#">
   <cfpdfformparam name="empcode" value="#myempcode#">
   <cfpdfformparam name="location" value="#mylocation#">
   <cfpdfformparam name="mgrname" value="#mymgrname#">
   <cfpdfformparam name="mgremail" value="#mymgremail#">
<!--- Fill up the pdf form2 ---> 
<cfpdfform source= "#sourceform2#" action="populate" destination="#resultfile2#" overwrite="true">
 <cfpdfsubform name="form1">
  <cfpdfsubform name="expense">
   <cfpdfformparam name="name" value="#myname#">
   <cfpdfformparam name="empcode" value="#myempcode#">
   <cfpdfformparam name="location" value="#mylocation#">
   <cfpdfformparam name="mgrname" value="#mymgrname#">
   <cfpdfformparam name="mgremail" value="#mymgremail#">
<!--- Flatten the filled-up pdf forms first. --->
<cfpdf action="write" source="#resultfile1#" destination="#flatfile1#" flatten="yes" overwrite="true">
<cfpdf action="write" source="#resultfile2#" destination="#flatfile2#" flatten="yes" overwrite="true">
<!--- Now merge the flattened forms. ---> 
<cfpdf action="merge" source="#flatfile1#,#flatfile2#" destination="#finalresultfile#" overwrite="true">


Friday, April 18, 2008

ColdFusion 8.0.1 Japanese is Live!!!

Adobe has released the Japanese version of ColdFusion 8.0.1
You can download it from here...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

AMP Goes Live!


Announcing the new Adobe Media Player!


Adobe Media Player (AMP) is a next-generation desktop media player and management application. It provides high quality video playback of streamed, downloaded, or locally stored Internet TV shows and video podcasts.


Users can subscribe to Internet television shows and other online video content, have them download automatically in the background, and later view them on demand. AMP's user interface optimizes the user experience, allowing users to easily enjoy finding and viewing their favorite shows.


Download AMP today, play with it, and then tell your friends about this exciting new product.



Below are some of the key things that you and your friends and family will enjoy:


- All of your favorite content, all in one place. Create your own personalized catalog of television shows, movies, podcasts – even include videos from your local hard drive.

- Discover new content. Adobe Media Player features a broad catalog of shows from the leading media companies and networks, as well as independent producers.

- Watch what you want, when you want – anytime, anywhere. Adobe Media Player supports both online and offline viewing.

- High-quality audio and video. HD-quality video is supported in Adobe Media Player, even at full-screen resolutions.

- Simple user interface. Adobe Media Player is designed to be intuitive and easy to use.

- Let content come to you.  Adobe Media Player automatically downloads new episodes of shows or podcasts that you subscribe to. 



Friday, April 4, 2008

ColdFusion 8.0.1 is out!

The ColdFusion 8.0.1 bits are live. The updater codenamed as "Gemini" can be downloaded immediately from
ColdFusion 8 Update 1 (CF 8.0.1) has some minor bug fixes and it also adds support for new operating systems(including 64bit) and some extended functionality (attributeCollection).